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Monday, 5 December 2011

Awas, Anak Gemuk Rentan Penis Kecil

Anak laki-laki dengan berat badan berlebih atau gemuk di satu tampak sehat dan menggemaskan. Namun, di sisi lain, ada ancaman micropenis alias penis mengecil ketika dewasa. Kelainan tersebut bisa menganggu psikologis anak saat dewasa nani.

Berdasar penelitian 15 tahun lalu oleh pakar seks Dr Naek L Tobing, sebagian anak-anak memiliki penis kecil tergolong abnormal yang disebut micropenis. Meski normal, tetapi dengan penis kecil bisa mengganggu citra diri (self image).

"Lima tahun terakhir, kegemukan anak terus meningkat. Faktor penentu permasalahan tersebut, makanan yang membuat tubuh si anak gemuk," ungkapnya di Hotel Mercure Padang, akhir pekan lalu.

Naek menceritakan, banyak anak laki-laki mengalami kegemukan atau overweight bahkan obesitas mengakibatkan penisnya tak berkembang. Penyebabnya, karena anak malas melakukan aktivitas.

"Sekarang anak-anak banyak malas bergerak karena asyik menonton dan main games. Sudah begitu, mengonsumsi makanan berlebihan. Itu banyak dijumpai di kota-kota besar, anak-anak lebih banyak fokus ke permainan game sambil melahap makanan berkarbohidrat dan berlemak," ujarnya.

Dengan lapisan lemak yang tebal, penis seolah-olah tertanam dan tidak jelas kelihatan. "Keadaan begini lebih sulit di sunat, bahkan bisa gagal untuk disunat. Kalaupun dipaksakan, hasilnya tidak memuaskan dan menimbulkan sakit untuk anak tersebut," ungkap naek.

Kondisi itu, kadangkala menyebabkan buang air kecil makin sukar dan berpencar. 
penis kecil juga menyebabkan rasa percaya diri terganggu atau perasaan "kurang jantan".

"Ini dapat mengganggu jiwanya sampai dewasa. Harus ingat, upaya pengobatan memperbaiki ukuran penis hanya dapat dilakukan sebelum pubertas atau sedapat mungkin sebelum usia 11 atau 12 tahun," jelas Dr Naek.

Naek menyebutkan permasalahan tersebut sebenarnya dapat diatasi jika berat badan anak dikendalikan sebelum akil baligh atau dewasa. "Kalau sudah lewat akil balighbelum juga turun berat badannya, maka dipastikan seratus persen penisnya akan berukuran kecil pada saat dewasa nanti," tegasnya.

Karena itu, Dr Naek berharap kepada ara orang tua menjaga berat badan anak laki-lakinya. "Berat badan si anak jangan sampai 100 kg. Disana jantung bekerja keras untuk badan yang besar sehingga berdampak terhadap micropenis, diabetes dan ancaman kematian," tukas pria berusia 71 tahun itu.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Passive Voice
A.      The office is cleaned everyday
The office was cleaned everyday
Compare active and passive:
Somebody cleans the office everyday                   [active]
The office is cleaned everyday                                  [passive]
Somebody cleaned the office everyday                                [active]
The office was cleaned yesterday                            [passive]

B.      The passive is:
Present simple
Past simple
Am/is/are/wa/were [not] + cleaned, invented, injured, done, taken, built, etc.
The past participle of regular verbs is –ed [cleaned/damaged, etc].
For a list f irregular past participles [done/built/taken, etc]
·         Butter is made of milk.
·         Oranges are imported into Britain.
·         How often are these rooms cleaned?

·         This house was built 100 years ago.
·         These houses were built 100 years ago.
·         When was the telephone invented?
·         We weren’t invited to the party last week.
·         Was anybody injured in the accident? Yes, two people were taken to hospital.
C.      Was/were born
·         I was born in London in 1962 [not I’m born]
·         Where were you born?
D.      Passive + by …
·         We were woken up by a loud noise. (= the noise woke us up)
·         The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876.
·         My brother was bitten by a dog last week.

Word Formation

Suffixes which form nouns referring to people
·         Verb + er/or/ar [teacher, governor, liar]
·         Verb/noun/adjective + ist [typist, motorist, specialist]
·         Verb +ant/ent [assistant, correspondent]
·         Noun + an/ian [American, Italian, historian]

Definitions and Examples

1.       Sponsor [a person or institution which supports a person or idea by arguing for it and /or providing money for it, an advocate]
The Saudi Educational Mission is the major sponsor of Saudi Arabian students studying abroad.
2.       Nursery School [a school for children under age five]
Children may go to Nursery School before they begin elementary school
3.       Nursery [a] [a room especially for children]
Some babies sleep with their parents instead of in a nursery.
[b] [a place where plants are grown for sale experimentation]
       Nuseries sell both houseplants and small trees.
4.       Rudimentary [ elementary; related to basic facts]
A rudimentary knowledge of computers may soon be a requirement for getting a good job.
5.       Outstanding [a] [excellent; superior to others in the same category]
Students with outstanding academic records may win scholarship.
[b] [not resolved (used with problems or debts)]
6.       Vocation [an occupation, especially one that is very suitable for a person]
High school counselors sometimes give students advice about choosing a vocation.
7.       Degree [a] [an academic title given to a person who has completed certain studies at the university level]
Students in the United States receive a Bachelor of Arts [B.A] degree if they successfully finish four years of study.
[b] [a relative measurement or amount of relationship, progress, or distance]
Our degree of ignorance about how people learn language is surprising, considering how much research has been done.
[c] [a measure of temperature]
       Zero degrees Celsius is the same as thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit.
8.       Comprehensive [a] [including a wide range of knowledge or material]
A final exam in a class may be comprehensive, including questions about every subject discussed during the semester.
[b] Comprehend [to understand]
       She did not comprehend most of what the teacher said and decided to change to the beginning class.
9.       Theme [a] [a topic (often of a piece of writing, music, or art.
Religious themes are common in European art of the fourteenth century.
[b] [a short piece of writing done as a school exercise]
       When I was studying French, the teacher required us to write a one-page theme every week.
10.   Suspend [a] [to take away an advantage or permission, usually a punishment]
If a driver is caught drinking alcohol while he is driving, his license will be suspended for one year.
[b] ]to hang, usually in a way that allows free movement]
       A lamp may be suspended from a rope to dry.
11.   Certificate [a document that confirms that something is true or that something has been done]
To get a university identification card, you must have a letter that certifies that you are a full-time student.
12.   Background [a] [a person’s experience and education]
I have studied music, but my background is limited to traditional pieces.
[b] [ancestry]
       My family’s background is German, Irish, and Czech. I have ancentors of all those nationalities.
[c] [the historical or supporting causes for a situation]
       To understand the organization of the school systems in the United States, you must have political and religious backgroung information.
[d] [a noise, picture, or space that is not the main focus]
       The photograph showed a small city with distant mountains in the background.
13.   Dull [a] [not intelligent or clever, not alert]
Instructors must have extra patience with dull students.
[b] [not sharp]
       A dull knife is not very useful.
[c] boring, not interesting or bright]
       The student fell asleep during the dull class.      
14.   Faculty [a] the instructors at a school
The faculty of the physics department voted to request a salary increase.
[b] [an ability]
       Good poets have an extraordinary faculty of observation.
15.   Narrative [a story; a description of real or fictional events]
History books are usually written in narrative style, describing political and social changes in chronological order.
16.   Intellectual [related to the mind and reasoning rather than to the emotions]
Universities are centers of intellectual activity.
17.   Keep up with [a] [to maintain the same speed as; not to fall behind in]
To keep up with the work in this course, you need to study for several hours every night.
[b] [to maintain contact with]
       It is difficult for me to keep up with my friends in other cities because I rarely write letters.
18.   Determine [a] [to be the cause of; to be influence]
The climate and the materials available determine the kinds of houses people build.
[b] [to find an answer or explanation
       Using complex tools, astronomers were able to determine the exact temperature of three areas of the moon.
[c] determination [a strong and firm purpose or intention]
       A winning team needs both skills and determination.
19.   Go back [to] [to return]
Ali came here from Turkey. After earning a degree in computer science, he went back.
20.   Get through with [to finish]
Most students get through with high school when they are eighteen years old.
21.   Get through [to endure]
It is easy to get through a severe winter if you have warm clothing and a well-heated house.
22.   Go through with [to carry out, to put a plan into effect despite difficulties or hesitation]
The government will go through with the new tax plan although many of the delegates oppose it.
23.   Go on [with] [to continue]
Many people go on with their education after finishing high school.
24.   Ignorance [a] [lack of knowledge]
Someone who has little formal education may be ignorant of history, but very knowledgeable about practical matters.
[b] [to leave someone out of a group; not to pay attention to someone or something]
       After the teacher had answered five of Jim’s questions, she decided to ignore him for the rest of the lesson.
25.   Classmate [a person who is in the same class at school]
Children in nursery school must learn to share with their classmates.
26.   Context[the part of a written or spoken statement where a word occurs, the situation in which an event occurs]
The context in which a word is used can help you understand it; other words and the main idea of the paragraph give clues to the meaning.

Using Causative Verbs: Make, Have, Get

(a)    I made my brother carry my suitcase.
(b)   I had my brother carry my suitcase.
(c)    I got my brother to carry my suitcase.
Make, have, and get can be used to express the idea that “X” causes “Y” to do something. When they are used as causative verbs, their meanings are similar but not identical. In (a): My brother had no choice. I insisted that he carry my suitcase. In (b): My brother carried my suitcase because I asked him to. In (c): I managed to persuade my brother to carry my suitcase.
X makes Y do something (simple form).
X has y do something (simple form).
X gets Y to do something (infinitive).
Causative Make
(d)   Mrs. Lee made her son clean this room.
(e)   Sad movies make me cry.
Causative make is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive. (INCORRECT: She made him to clean his room.) Make gives the idea that “X” forces “Y” to do something. In (d): Mrs. Lee’s son had no choice.
Causative Have
(f)     I had the plumber repair the leak.
(g)    Jane had the waiter bring her some tea.
Causative have is followed by the simple form of a verb, not an infinitive. (INCORRECT: I had him to repair the leak.) Have gives the idea that “X” requests “Y” to do something. In (f): The plumber repaired the leak because I asked him to.
Causative Get
(h)   The students got the teacher to dismiss class early.
(i)      Jack got his friends to play soccer with him after school.
Causative get is followed by an infinitive. Get gives the idea that “X” persuades “Y” to do something. In (h): The students managed to persuade the teacher to let them leave early.
Passive Causative
(j)     I had my watch repaired (by someone).
(k)    I got my watch repaired (by someone).
The past participle is used after have and get to give a passive meaning. In this case, there is usually little or no difference in meaning between have and get. In (j) and (k): I caused my watch to be repaired by someone.